You know humans have the neuroplasticity required to survive, grow and thrive. Yes? We can all agree on that- the capability is there. The choice of whether you use that ability might be hard for some to make, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. That’s the beauty of resilience and being a human!
So, where does that leave the average person who wants to shorten the gap of suffering when faced with adversity or tough situations frequently? Frequent euthanasia. Terrible interaction with a client. Shamed for a mistake. Humiliated for asking a question. Massive life change(s). Loss of a loved one. Fired from your job. To name a few… Some people deal with those types of situations in combination and those who are ready to shorten the gap begin searching.
These events can be catastrophic for certain people, while the same events can be a catalyst for others. What is the difference between these two people in the very same situation? This is what has fascinated me for decades.
I recognized as a young adult that I was the former. Every small, medium, and large, thing I faced was breaking me, breaking my spirit, my health- in every way possible, was taking me too close to a place of no return in this life. I wanted to be the latter. So I set out for it. Combing, searching, learning, implementing. I was obsessed with finding the answer and living it. I discovered ways to make me more resilient to the tough stuff I was sure to continue facing, including the toughest stuff I didn’t see coming. It worked.
Not only could I crawl out of that place of being beaten down often, but I could also tap into this system that would help me move forward in an empowered way, time after time. *Keep your eye out for the next in this series on Empowerment. I still use this toolkit today, adding and upgrading tools, and I also give myself a break when the highly sensitive human part of me reacts in a way that may not support my vision in life, but I don’t let myself stay there. That’s key number two; You tap into the system, you switch up my tools, reaching for the power tools instead of the manual if you will!
From then on, the game changed, and I was the one who did it, and so can you.
Interrupt that pattern. Last week I talked about the amazing aspects of Prevention and how you can get clarity on where you are and where you are going. By interrupting the mindset that keeps you chained to groundhogs day, you reach for the simple but powerful choice that is always available to you, and you start by making that decision. One of my most disliked phrases is “I don’t have a choice.” Throw that belief in the garbage. It’s not true. You shift consciously. To be open to receiving the answers. If you aren’t ready for it, even if you are presented with everything you need, all in one place, like the Veterinary Burnout P.R.E.P. Certification (CVBP) program, you’ll overlook it. However, if you ARE ready for it, you jump at the opportunity to upgrade.
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Talk to ya next week about ~ Empowerment -R