Life as a human-being can be VERY challenging.
However, life as a veterinary professional comes with many challenges as standard parts of the territory. If you’ve been in the veterinary field for more than a day, I’m sure would agree!
These challenges – if not strategically handled – can lead to a strain on the wellbeing of your team members.
With that being said, how much does your team’s wellbeing mean to you? If it means a lot to you, then you must understand that the human challenges and veterinary-specific challenges can lead to poor wellbeing for some of your team members.
Ultimately, our ability to produce and perform as veterinary professionals is affected by the state of our wellbeing.
It’s not a question of whether or not the wellbeing of your team members matters. Instead, it is a question of whether or not we – as leaders – are taking massive action to create the culture and community of wellbeing for our veterinary practices. Our team members desire and deserve wellbeing, and it is our moral and ethical duty and responsibility to help them achieve wellbeing!
We all know that the wellbeing of our hospital team is important, but how the heck do you – as a busy veterinary professional and leader – create a culture of wellbeing for your hospital?
In this brief article, we will identify 3 simple and easy to follow steps to help you get your organization on its way to a culture of wellbeing!
Veterinary Wellbeing Step #1: Make the Commitment
This is the beginning of the road. Has the leadership within your hospital made it a known and verbal fact that your organization is making the wellbeing of the team a priority?
If so, what did it sound like when leadership made the commitment? What did it look like? Who was put in charge of seeing to it that the entire staff followed through? Was the commitment written down?
These are examples of questions that can be answered when a real commitment is made.
If your organization hasn’t made such a commitment, what is holding you back? Does your organization not see the value? Or, is there some barrier that’s preventing the organization from moving forward (i.e. lack of time, lack of knowledge, lack of funds, etc.)?
Making the commitment to wellbeing sets the intentions for the hospital. It is an acknowledgement to the team that the hospital cares more about them than it does the hospital’s bottom line.
Get MotiVETed PowerNote: Keep in mind that research has shown that all things equal, an organization who takes good care of its people will see a positive reflection on the bottom line!
While making a real, solid commitment to the wellbeing of your team members is a great place to start, it is step number 2 that will get your hospital RESULTS!
Veterinary Wellbeing Step #2: Put Action Behind Your Intentions
“Actions speak louder than words.”
That’s a cliche, but it is VERY TRUE!
While you may have all of the right intentions of caring about the wellbeing of your team members, until they see actions being taken behind your words and intentions, it really doesn’t matter that you “care” about their veterinary wellbeing. I know that sounds harsh, but we’ve got to keep it real.
How to Take Action for Your Hospital’s Team Veterinary Wellbeing
What actions is your hospital taking towards creating a culture of wellbeing? Here are a few simple and meaningful action suggestions:
Suggestion 1: Really get to know your team members! What’s their story?
What are their dreams and aspirations? Is your hospital helping them to realize those dreams? Do they have personal goals? If so, what are they? How about professional goals? Are they in loooove with their work schedule? Why or why not? How are things going at home for them? What are their fears in life? What are their fears in the hospital? Do they feel that they are growing into a better person in your hospital? Do they want to grow into a better person at your hospital? What are their values – higher pay? Reaching their full potential? Continuing education?
These are examples of powerful questions that show a person you care! Often times, your team members may not know the answer to these questions themselves! It’s vary rare that someone gets asked questions like these, therefore, it is an action you can take to instantly set yourself apart from other leaders.
Get MotiVETed PowerNote: These are questions we – as humans – should all know about ourselves. Yet, many of us never ask them, nor do we ever find answers to them!
Suggestion 2: Create titles and positions to create a sense of structure, camaraderie, and responsibility!
Do you have a wellbeing ambassador/liaison – someone who’s in charge of making sure the commitment is upheld?
Is there a wellbeing committee – a small group of individuals who are dedicated to ensuring there is a culture of veterinary wellbeing?
One of our goals as a veterinary wellbeing solutions provider is to be able to work with a wellbeing committee/liaison within veterinary hospitals. If you’re interested in learning more about that, contact us below!
Suggestion 3: Provide them with the tools and expertise needed for creating a life of wellbeing!
Do your team members have the tools they need to improve their wellbeing? What are the tools they need? Do they even want tools to improve their wellbeing? What strategies do they have for improving their wellbeing? Do they even want strategies? Do they have professionals to reach out to in times of personal or professional struggle?
Get MotiVETed PowerNote: You may be thinking: “I don’t have enough time to do what I’m already doing, less yet go around trying to cram everybody else’s dreams into my own head!” Or, you may be thinking: “Putting this much emphasis on wellbeing simply isn’t realistic.” While both of those are statements that I respect, I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to do it yourself; your hospital doesn’t have to figure it out alone! We are here to make this important task of creating a culture of wellbeing convenient and effective! This is what we do, and we understand the common day-to-day challenges hospitals may face.

Veterinary Wellbeing Step #3: Refine and Improve
“It’s the small refinements upon something that’s
already good that makes it great.” – Earl Nightingale
There’s always another level! While your hospital may be doing a fantastic job in terms of wellbeing, remember that if we become complacent with where we are, then we are bound to fall back to where we were.
Get your team involved in this process of making your hospital a haven for wellbeing.
Ask if they feel they have the tools they need.
Ask if anyone has come across something that may be of benefit for the team.
Ask if they feel the actions being taken are effective.
Ask your team where they think the hospital can improve.
Our team members are so important to the functioning of the veterinary hospital. They show up for pets who can’t care for themselves and for owners who don’t have the depth of knowledge and skill needed to take care of their furry family members.
It is our job as leaders within our hospitals to make sure that the wellbeing is committed to, acted towards, and refined upon on a frequent and deliberate basis.
If you would like help in creating a culture of wellbeing for your hospital, don’t hesitate to reach out to us! We specialize in helping veterinary professionals and organizations to achieve the community and culture of wellbeing they desire!

Whether or not you use our services, tools, and strategies, we highly recommend that you find a resource for tackling the wellbeing for your hospital!
Have You Read This Book?
This is hands down one of my favorite books dealing with how to keep your staff engaged and producing and performing at high levels without burning them out! If you decide to give it a read, let me know what you think!
P.S. It’s available as an audiobook and in written formats – so you can easilyt listen to it or you can read it on kindle or as a hard copy!