Have you ever felt an energy build within your body so much that you think you might burst?
You push it down, handling the day-to-day “fires” that arise…
Here’s the number one thing I do when this happens to me.

Do a mind Dump to pull out the big domino that would ease the tension, fear, and worry.
Then Execute it. You might think, “well, I don’t have the time.” Create the space. No matter what. You have to prioritize this. This is what I call planning a time to worry otherwise this worry gremlin will creep up at times when it is not helpful. During surgery, or when you are trying to sleep.
You have to prioritize yourself if you want relief. Make a plan within the next seven days; the sooner, the better for you to complete (focus on completion, not perfection) the project holding you up.
Lay out the details of this project, outlining the elements and next task.
Doing this will lift the fog and provide clarity so that you know what to do at the time you have carved out in your calendar.
Let me give you an example: You coordinate two half-days for you to go to the library to knock out these gremlins that ‘haunt’ you. Arrange childcare, dinner, and whatever else may be your responsibility.
Day one: Mind dump/ mind map — take up to five hours to put everything on your mind on a whiteboard or journal. Choose what is the most important thing holding your attention.
Take the evening to continue passively clearing your mind and tease out any other ideas lingering in the corners while doing other things.
Then, decide the very next action needed to move the ball forward for the most important thing(s).
Day two: Without delay, within 30 minutes of waking up. Begin the action(s) that will lead you to complete the big domino.
I assure you that I have used this method countless times to reduce the surmounting feelings of anxiety. So, try this if your productivity is down, you are feeling overwhelmed or your creative juices are not flowing. Then, tell me about your results!