There is no rush to your success.
There is no rush to your business’ success.
You have everything you need right now and in this moment.
Everything else is a bonus!
Can you be joyous now? Can you be joyous for the things that you have at this moment?
Surely, you have something to be grateful for, do you not?
Your biggest thing is to not worry for now.
There is no hurry to the good thing.
There is only now, and all is well with the world!
All you have to do is dream and believe!
The seeds that have already been planted are enough to feed you and your family for a lifetime even if you did nothing but harvest for the rest of your days!
For each harvest is another seed planted in and of itself!
Why do you worry? Where do you think you are going? What do you think it is all about? What more do you need for the inner peace you desire?
Just look around you.
It’s not a mess that you’ve created, but if you’re honest with yourself, it’s not clean, organized, and in order.
Who is going to clean it up? Who is going to organize it all?
Look at your fingers and hands. These fingers and hands have created what you see.
Never forget that all is well with the world, and nothing can go wrong!
Don’t forget to enjoy every moment of this life.
Don’t miss the beauty in front of you by chasing the beauty in your mind.
You can have both, but you tend to miss the one in front of you.
Do you see it now?
Stop! Look around… Don’t be afraid to turn around and see… go ahead and look.
You’re still reading… I want you to literally STOP. Turn around. And LOOK…
Aren’t you glad you looked?
Did you not see what you have created?
No matter where you are, whenever you take the time to stop and pause and turn around and look, you will always see Your Own Creation.
How marvelous is that?
The thing that you need most is always behind you. It’s always with you.
The other secret is this:
Whenever you look in front of you, you will always see the same.
But for whatever reason, stopping to take the time to pause and look back behind you is so much more powerful.
Perhaps, it’s because you always ‘see’ what’s in front of you, and therefore it becomes mundane.
Never forget, all is right with the world, and nothing can go wrong.
The world is perfect, but not yet complete. It is moving onward and upward in grand fashion.
Though, it can feel that it is decaying at times. It is only an appearance.
Take a look around. It is all very good!