Hey! Have you ever felt like sleeping your days away to avoid everyday activities? Or even felt like there was no explanation to the lack of motivation that you feel? Well, I have a secret to tell you… you are not alone! For years I struggled with trying to figure out a solution to those questions. I started to wonder why learning about my favorite topics, the “Central Dogma” or “Newton’s Laws of Motion”, seem uninteresting to me. Even hanging out with my friends, family, and coworkers just did not seem fun to me anymore. Things that brought me everyday joy no longer made me happy. I realize there was something that I was not aware of that I could not physically see, I consulted with my doctor. I learned that I was fighting something that seemed like it was bigger than me at the time.

One day I woke up and decided that I wanted to beat depression for good. Here are a some of the ways I defeated depression!
The first step to a great journey, I decided to wake up every morning to a song that would make me feel like I was invisible. Every morning I would play Mary J. Blige’s “Just Fine” and open the blinds in my room to let in light.
The second step I had to change the way I viewed my life, things, situations, people and even how I felt. I had to remind myself of positive thoughts and constantly staying motivated throughout the day.
The third step to a great journey, is to purchase a notebook and a pen to write down your thoughts from keeping you down. This will help you separate your feelings from reality allowing yourself to see the bigger picture of reality.
The fourth step is to find a hobby, something that you can create. This will let you see what you can create with your hands. I chose two hobbies to take on which were adult coloring and photography. Both hobbies allowed me to see that I was more than what I felt by creating art.
The last step to moving forward to the path of greatness is to forgive yourself, trust yourself, and enjoy life. You got this! At the beginning of your new journey, it might be hard but trust yourself and welcome to the world the new version of you!
Author -Myasha Black
Pre-vet student, wellbeing ambassador