Michael Shirley is the CEO (chief empowerment officer) and practice manager of Family Pet Health, located in Tennessee and we caught up with him on our most recent podcast.
One of the most profound strategies Michael uses (even through COVID) quoting “I can’t afford NOT to” is having regular and ROTATING meetings.
Here’s the operative word ** rotating**
What do you mean Renee? Well, all meetings aren’t the same nor should they be.
Frequent meetings where nothing gets done- NO THANK YOU!! Those can actually work against you and your team’s performance!
Weekly meetings that address the core of your team’s biggest attention grabbers – now we’re talkin’.
So what holds our attention?
Two of the leading causes of burnout are perceived lack of control and excessive workload. So adapting systems to ever-changing conditions is necessary and utilizing every person’s perspective is how we foster environments of innovation.
Medical knowledge
Little explanation is needed here, staying current and competent is necessary to provide high-quality patient care and client education. This area also helps us develop our resume and set professional goals, goals being another tool in the tool-belt to keep burnout at bay.
Personal Development
Here’s my/our favorite category. Personal development. “We’re humans first!!!” Quincy and Renee shout 🙂
Michael talks about how at times the team shares life challenges. Parenting, relationships, money. The things that may not be about your job but directly influence your workdays.
So they create the space to explore these stressors and bring in experts to equip the team with the skills to overcome challenges, achieving more work-life harmony.
Michael told us about times when he did a shopping game in Lowe’s, took the team as a group to the DVM 360’s Fetch conference, and other cool ideas that remind people that there’s more to life than our jobs in vet-med. This may sound similar to team building.
This nurtures the relationships the team has with one another and as a whole.
I’m certain this leads to better team cohesion and higher performance (business metrics follow) Michael reassures skeptics that putting your people first will positively influence those numbers that drive so many practice leaders. (Something our team member and former practice manager Jaye-Lynn has been saying for years, and obviously the core of Get Motiveted’s ambitions). We’re seeing this as a core principle in more and more businesses.
The culture code, a book discussed in Michael’s Veterinary Leadership book club, recommended to me recently by both Michael and Dan Espinal, CEO of Rarebreed Vets, and has been on my list for years- drives these points home.

My research and my experience in both life and vetmed leave me to emphasize this point. Belonging.
Do your meetings, does your way of being, your systems, policies, procedures, and overall culture- the essence of the organization, the energy in the air when someone walks into your practice… does it fuel a sense of belonging? Does it foster a feeling of safety?
If not, if you’re unsure, the good news is you can start being more intentional today about transforming your life and work.
*Individual tip: if your place of work doesn’t enjoy you bringing this to the table (which u should try) regardless of whether you’re a leader in the organization— you can take this approach to your life.
These 4 meetings are like a life wheel of sorts.
Simply direct your attention to a different area each week, rotating through them.
This will stave off that “groundhogs day” feeling by keeping things new and feeling more current.

For the full podcast listen now on Get MotIVETed University or Youtube