Burnout signs are everywhere. If you toss a ball I’m sure that you can tag someone who is feeling the haze it can cause. If you catch that same ball, now is the time to adjust sails.

Mindfulness in the workplace:
Systematically paying attention, without judgment. That is the shortest definition we will briefly explore as you shift your mindset and infuse your organization’s culture. Mindfulness permeates every area of a person’s job; without intentional awareness, it’s as if you are leading with a blindfold. It is necessary to recalibrate throughout the day by honing your attention to focus on what you choose rather than the subsequent ‘fire.’ Your targets are constantly moving, whether that target is a task, a larger goal, or an expectation.
Mindfulness removes that expectation through nonjudgment and sinks you into the process rather than focusing on the outcome, often alleviating anxiety. All of which allow you to be more centered and notice the moments of fulfillment that otherwise may pass by you. Carrying yourself in this way creates a space where kindness, heightened empathy (even with yourself), and safety are the standard.
Recognizing early signs of burnout is a game-changer.
Boundaries with team and clients:
Boundaries provide clarity. Clarifying what to expect in a job description or even within a given day or week gives people the much-needed opportunity to process—wrapping their minds around what to expect next and how they can navigate their way through it. Then, given the new information, they too may adjust accordingly, be it communicating with a client, sharing responsibilities temporarily, or expressing vulnerability. If you are experiencing a hardship, or you’ve made a mistake, you may not be able to bring your all-time best. People will rally around you but only if they have the chance.
Conscious Communication:
The way information is shared matters. There are many different ways a boundary stays intact. I don’t have to tell you which way feels good or doesn’t. Instead, I will offer this, impressing a certain level of mindfulness, e.q, boundaries, and get this…humanity will make or break a person’s spirit. That spirit will directly impact their level of dedication but, more importantly, may change the trajectory of someone’s life and career.
Permit yourself to put your personal “ness” on things. “Renee-ness” in my case. Processes and protocols are helpful guidelines, but just like patient allergies- there’s no blanket approach for every situation. Impressing your personal experience is the art of leadership. I’ve exited a few clinics in my career, and the spectrum of how I felt on my last day ranges from peeling myself away from a dear family to being a hardened criminal (weird, but true.)
Blending these three techniques will allow you to not only keep the symptoms of burnout at bay (for yourself & your team) but it will protect your company’s vision, personal values, and your team’s shared mission.
If you like this enroll in the Veterinary Burnout P.R.E.P. Certification program where we dive deeper on burnout and you get certified.
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